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Supporting yourself between sessions and beyond

Well done you did it!  Here’s how to take care of yourself between sessions and beyond

After having had an in-depth session with me, you will go back out in to your day to day life.  This work you are doing to make peace with your ‘stuff’ certainly can ‘stir the pot’ in your life.  You may find that in-between sessions you feel on top of the world and full of energy and focus, and/or begin to notice more stuff comes up to be healed.  You may also become more aware of the kinds of beliefs you have and your point of view about the world.

You may want to sleep a lot, pee a lot, cry a lot, laugh a lot …. just know, things will continue to bubble up and around and re-wire in your brain.. especially as you sleep, so be gentle and kind to yourself.

Drink lots of water!

This process will be unique to you, how you process things, the nature of the problems you are wanting to heal and how much you are committed to the process.

Things to keep in mind

1. Take good care of yourself.

Get plenty of sleep (your subconscious will need to process the changes you’ve made). Some people get more intense or vivid dreams after a session – this is just the subconscious processing the changes. You may also notice that lots of memories start surfacing, ones you have not thought of for along time. Write these down for your next session and I can also teach you how to change memories by yourself if you would like to learn how to do that.
2. Remember to practice your new memories at least once a day for the next week.
You want to make sure that they are strong. Think of it in this way: the bad memory is the weed we removed, and we’ve planted a beautiful flower instead. Make sure you are watering and taking care of the flower, rather than replanting the weed. That means, make sure you are practising the new memory rather than being tempted to replay the old one.
3. Practice tapping every day !
If you feel anything other than good, tap. Right then, in the moment. Tap until it feels good. Remember, you can tap on either side, or both sides if you wish – it doesn’t matter. Also, now that you’ve done this work, your subconscious knows what you’re doing, so you don’t have to even tap physically. If you’re in public, driving or wake up at night, you can do Mental Tapping.
Just imagine your fingers tapping on the points, and in your mind say “Let it go” and “It’s safe to let this go.”
Then, imagine grabbing your wrist. Take a deep breath, blow it out, and think of a good memory.
The key is to take your focus off the problem while you’re tapping!There’s more instructions below.

Practice your Positive Trances

The aim of this game.  The sole aim.  Is to change what you hold inside of you to things that feel good, empower you and support you being the you you love and want to be in the world.  Practice Practice Practice all of the positive imagery, feelings, pictures, sounds and knowingness that you discover.

The best part about tapping is you can do it yourself whenever you want to

I see two ways you can use tapping when out in the world on your own.

  1. “In the moment” tapping
  2. A scheduled session with yourself

In the moment tapping is great because it gets it when it’s ‘hot’.  It also supports the idea of ‘zero tolerance’…. adopting the idea of mindfully addressing anything in your life that is bothering you and not producing the feelings, sensations and results you want in your life.

A scheduled session, using the Art of Change questions below, demonstrates a commitment to you and making the changes you want to create, and most importantly, AIMING effectively.  Tapping in itself is most effective when you are aiming at the true source of the problem.


How to tap FasterEFT style

  1. Create the space – If you aren’t on your own (or around others that know about and encourage the use of this wonderful and empowering tapping tool!), you can excuse yourself momentarily from a situation with others to go to the bathroom or somewhere private to tap, or you can even ‘mentally tap’ by imagining yourself tapping in your mind as you go through the process (like being in a meeting for instance).
  2. Notice how you know you have the problem (AIM) – You don’t need to know what the emotions or feelings are, just notice how you know they are there.  What do you feel?  Where in your body do you feel it?  What do you see or hear?  How do you know it’s a problem?  Focus on the sensations in your body, the feelings/emotions, the thoughts you are telling yourself, and anything else you notice.  Give it a rating in intensity out of 10.
  3. Tap – use two fingers to tap the following points, while focusing on the feeling of your fingers on your skin (also see the Quick Tap statements in the video, or and/or anything else you want to say that represents the emotion and sensation in you, and the act of letting it go. Focus on the feelings of your fingertips on your skin.  Anything that brings you ‘out of the trance’ as you release and let it go.
    • between your eyebrows
    • beside your eye
    • under your eye
    • just below your collarbone
  4. Peace – grab your wrist, take a deep breath, blow it out and say ‘peace’ – and then go to your happy peaceful memory inside your mind.
  5. Check – go back to where you started, that thing that bothered you and notice how it’s changed.  Does it feel different?  Has the intensity changed in any way?  Does the memory look or sound different?  Just notice.  Check in and give the intensity a rating out of 10 and notice if it’s shifted.
  6. Repeat – Repeat steps three to five until the feeling or memory has changed.  We call it ‘flipping’, in other words, the negative feeling has been replaced by a positive feeling.

You don’t just have to tap.  Snap out of it.

Just do anything you can to ‘snap yourself out of it’.  Tapping is one way, star jumps is another, dancing, doing complex maths problems, staring at the clouds, playing with your pet dinosaur 😉

Anything you can do to ‘break the (negative) trance’ you are in.

Then practising your positive, empowering, happy, peaceful, resourceful trances.

How to conduct a session with yourself

This is where you would make an appointment with yourself, say for example one hour, to have a structured session on a particular issue that you want to work on.   The following series of questions are known as the ‘Art of Change’ questions and will assist you to really explore a problem area in great depth and allow you to uncover the often surprising beliefs and emotions sitting underneath the presenting problem.  In this situation you would go through the questions, then use the tapping process as described above, and below in the videos.


The Art of Change Questions

1.    What’s your problem?

2.    How do you know you have this problem?

3.    Has it always been this way? When did it start?

4.    What’s the worst part of having this problem?

5.    Who else do you know that has this problem?

6.    How do you try to escape/avoid your problem?

7.    What would motivate you to change it?

8.    Who will you be if you let it go?

9.    What do you know you need to do?

10.    What is your belief about this problem?

11.    What’s wrong with you?

12.    If it were a person who would it be?

13.    What are you avoiding in your life?

14.    What’s the problem again?

15.    What are the benefits of having this problem?

16.    How will you know when it’s gone? Who will you be? How will you be?

17.    Why are you messed up?

18.    Tell me more about ____________.

19.    What exactly would your life be like without this problem? FP

20.    In trance: When have you felt this feeling before? (First or worst)


This video is from my fellow practitioners, Odille and Steve.  They have done a fantastic job of distilling the process and approach of FasterEFT.  They have taken some of their other video cartoons down, but this one is still available.  You can also check out

Your Happy Journal

Your Happy Journal

Whatever it takes to help you feel good and to focus on feeling good every day

This is a place to put things that feel good and produce a happy state inside of yourself.

The whole aim of this tapping game is to be able to have more control with your internal states.  The more you practice them the easier it will be to ‘shift trances’, and the better your life wil be.

The journal itself needs to feel good just by looking at it!

It’s only for happy positive joyful things that create a good feeling when you think about them.  No other personal notes, negative lists or journalling on negative feelings  goes in here. That goes somewhere else.

Examples of things for the Happy Journal 

#1 – Write a list of 22 happy memories.  Go back to them, and remember those states.  How they looked, felt, sounded, and tasted.

  • Gratitude list
  • Photos
  • Pictures you like to look at from a magazine
  • Printouts of fun things, that make you laugh
  • Cards/notes written to you by someone
  • Your own artwork/pictures or doodles
  • Jotting down nice memories that happened….

If you’re an auditory person, you might have a happy playlist on Spotify!

There is a Facebook Group that assists in ideas and energy for the Happy Journal too!

Below are some of the pages from my Happy Journal.  Experiment and find a way that makes you happy.


This form lets you reflect on your session and what you achieved, what worked and what you think could have worked better.  It gives me important feedback so I can continue to craft your session for maximum benefit for you.

Go to the feedback form

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Schedule your next session, or re-schedule if something has changed.